Sunday, December 12, 2010

What do i want ??

To be best in everything.

@ That would mean to have everything that's best in its class --> Expensive stuff ---> Money ------> Better paying job -----> Some way to earn more, in present path or to switch asap ----> Search for some way at present place of earning -----> Talk to friends, talk to BOSS !


@ That would mean to see best in everything ----> Look for the nuances and identify the brilliance ----> Ignore the cons ----> See the beauty of present life ----> Stop thinking that something is missing ----> Starting searching for what all is present !!

Some thing is missing.. The question is what ??

Friends ?? I guess I'm not openning the doors of my heart to them.. Maybe there are lot of people, who wanna be my friend.. It just that I'm stopping it from happening.. The moment I'll open the gates, I'll be flooded..

Career ?? I guess I'm living my dream. I always wanted to be a comp wizz.. Many have called me that too.. Life has been more than generous to me, in giving me, whatever I wished for.. How can i complain ?
About the mobile web thing.. i don't even know, what it is... All i know is, its new area, and maybe Its easier to prove yourself there... But What the point in getting first, when only you are running...! A real man will beat the whole world.

Prove you're the best ??
Prove to whome ?? and why to prove ??
"You live life for yourself, not for others", you say this all the time.. Its time to implement it.

GirlFriend ?? Comeon, you missed your chance..! Life is all about making decisions and living its consequences.

MTEch ?? You're not sure, yourself.. Sit and decide what you want to do.. You know you can achieve any thing.. But the first step is to decide what is to be achieved !!

Music ?? I wanna learn it. You have it all.. Guitatr can do magic... But still if you want something more, go for casio(Kids version plz)

JOB ?? You're doing fine.. always be a learner ! Learn Each day !

Family ?? Call them daily.. Don't miss them, As you said, you miss only those who are separated, not the ones who live in your heart :)

Happy Living !

Friday, December 10, 2010


I said to my buddy,
Sit and he sat,
Bark, he Barked.
Sleep he slept.

And I was so elated seeing this. Not at the thought that he's obeying me, but thinking that I'm actually communicating with him.
Started thinking about how it all happened.

I found Buddy in a park, waiting for someone.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Gas Cylinder shall come one day !

Firstly we thought we'll get it in some days... Then we thought ok some more days..
Its now over a month n we are still without a Gas Cyllinder.... Have already booked a cook, who time and again come to inquire about it... But we give the ans always... Ya "Cylinder aane wala hai"....
Today again we have talked with a person who proposes to get us cylinder "Hand to Hand".. Lets see We'l get it this time or not !!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On the verge of Plunging !

Today saw college pics of a friend who is in final yr... Saw him saying "Shit yaar college days are about to end", suddenly this thought came to my mind, which actually hd never hit before !

I had heard people saying that u'l miss college days, n life after job will never be the same... But only today i realised how true it was...

I'hd joined TCS on 23rd Nov, today is 29th may 2010, and from coming monday my real work is going to be started... and things will never be the same...

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